Learning From Home with CCYC during COVID-19
Learning From Home with The Centralia Community Youth Center:
Here are just a few places to explore
Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms:
Earth and space science, created in collaboration with NASA. Grades K–12. https://mass.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/universe/
History and social studies resources from one of public media’s flagship broadcasts. Grades 4–12. https://mass.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/amex/
Beloved characters keep the focus on community, civics, and social-emotional learning. Grades PreK–5. https://mass.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/arthur-community/
Molly of Denali:
The MOLLY OF DENALI™ collection offers videos, digital games, lessons, teaching tips, and activities with a focus on informational text. Grades PreK–2.
Math at the Core Middle School:
Engaging media and integrated activities, all aligned with the Massachusetts mathematics standards . Grades 5–8. https://mass.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/mathcore/
Inspiring Middle School Literacy:
Self-paced lessons include videos, interactive activities, note taking, reading, and writing to present students with engaging science, social studies, mathematics, and English language arts topics. Grades 5–8.
NOVA Education Resources:
Authentic, real-world science learning. Grades 7–13+.
A free collection of fiction and nonfiction texts for grades 3–12. Includes an annotation tool, guiding and discussion questions, translations in various languages, and texts read aloud. https://www.commonlit.org/en
Great Minds:
Free daily lessons available in grades 3–5 science and grades K–12 Eureka Math. In addition, access to the full K–12 Eureka Math program is available for free. https://greatminds.org/
NASA STEM @ Home Resources:
Activities You Can Do Together https://www.nasa.gov/stem
Provides learning resources that help students learn about computer science and programming on their own. Offerings include Computer Science (CS) Fundamentals for K–5 and online courses and labs for middle and high school (CS Express, App Lab, Game Lab, and Web Lab).
Khan Academy:
Khan Academy has outlined support for parents and educators on how to use their resources during remote learning. Khan Academy is a free resource for students, teachers, and parents with a library of lessons covering kindergarten through early college math, grammar, science, history, plus AP courses, SAT preparation, and more. Available in 40 languages.
Free STEM games and simulations online or for download! Our games are designed with clear learning objectives, vetted by our team of curriculum experts, and are used by students around the world! https://ssec.si.edu/game-center
Free movement and mindfulness videos. https://www.gonoodle.com/
Beepbox Music-Making On Your Home Computer:
Support your child’s music learning using this free online platform. No special equipment is needed to use this online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies. https://beepbox.co/
Searchable database of education technology tools that facilitate online classrooms and teaching, allowing educators to search for free and discounted tools and services by grade level, product type, and subject matter. The site will soon include additional resources for parents and students. https://www.techforlearners.org/
Free educational videos in all content areas. https://www.watchknowlearn.org/
From reptiles and amphibians to fish, birds and mammals, meet the animals at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute.
From two local students, Sam and Jake, we’ve learned about a resource for understanding animal smells! Thanks, guys!
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