Posts in «community» category

CCYC Trunk or Treat 2023 – 10/31
Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat Celebration at CCYC, October 31st at 5pm! We will be providing treats, prizes, a bounce house, music, and lots of fun! This event is free and open to the public. Bring your best costume! Donations for candy are accepted if unopened.https://www.facebook.com/events/121665521033726/

CCYC Summer Camp 2023
CENTRALIA COMMUNITY YOUTH CENTR Summer Camp registration begins May 1st! Pick up packets starting today. We will be acccepting 20 kids per age group: 5-7, 8-10, 11-13. It will be a ton of fun this year, Cardinals Game, The Zoo, other field trips, swimming, basketball, baseball, fishing, arts and crafts, food and prizes! Any questions, […]

2022 Christmas Party
Fun fun fun at The CCYC Christmas party, December 17, 2022 from 5 PM until 7 PM. Again this year, we will have a bounce house, games and prizes, lots of toys and gifts as well as a raffle for brand new bicycles for kids! Hot dogs, popcorn and many other delicious snacks for all, […]

Trunk or Treat 2022
Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat Celebration at CCYC, October 22nd at 5pm! We will be providing treats, prizes, a bounce house, music, and lots of fun! This event is free and open to the public. Bring your best costume! Donations for candy are accepted if unopened.https://www.facebook.com/events/3335996373299951/

CCYC Summer Camp 2022
The 2022 Summer Camp at CENTRALIA COMMUNITY YOUTH CENTR will begin taking registrations on June 1st!T-shirts are $15 dollars and we will accept the first 20 students in each age group. Camp dates are June 20th-24th/June 27th-July 1st and July 11th-15th/July 25th-29th. There will be many activities and field trips planned!

CCYC Christmas Celebration – 12/18/21
Mark this date on your calendar! CCYC Christmas party will be back after a year, Saturday. Dec 18 is the date. Hot dogs, soda, pop corn, Nachos, chips, games, pop a shot contest, ring toss, bean bag toss, jump house and other games. And in addition, 15 lucky young people will leave with a new […]

Thanksgiving at CCYC
Centralia Community Youth Center were able to distribute over 150 Turkeys and 500 Dinners to help make your holidays better and enjoyable. THANKS TO PHIL MCGEE (Loyalty & Respect), RENT ONE, and the United Way!

Learning From Home with CCYC during COVID-19
Learning From Home with The Centralia Community Youth Center: Here are just a few places to explore Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms: Earth and space science, created in collaboration with NASA. Grades K–12. https://mass.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/universe/ AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: History and social studies resources from one of public media’s flagship broadcasts. Grades 4–12. https://mass.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/amex/ ARTHUR: Beloved characters […]

SPONSORED BY CCYC WHEN: MARCH 18TH TIME: 5PM – 6PM WHERE: 1224 E REXFORD (YOUTH CENTER) FOOD:YES – HOT DOGS, CHIPS, DRINKS AND POPCORN Come out with your families and enjoy some board games, snacks, music, and laughs!!! Everyone is Welcome!! This is a family event so please parents come with your children!!!!